A Developers Journey

by Jonas Walden
Cover Image for Modern Design with Next.js Typescript and Tailwind

Creating an effective and engaging user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design is essential for modern websites and web applications. In today's digital landscape, users expect fast, intuitive, and visually appealing interfaces that make it easy to navigate and find the information they need. Designers can achieve this by following modern UI/UX design tips and best practices using the latest tools and technologies.

A new Day
A new Day

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Cover Image for 9 Years of a JavaScript Developer's Career: A Journey Through Code, Creativity, and a Dash of Chaos.

9 Years of a JavaScript Developer's Career: A Journey Through Code, Creativity, and a Dash of Chaos.

It all began nine years ago when I sold my first website. The website was built using Adobe Dreamweaver, a software that I used to learn HTML and CSS. I recall the hours I spent on that website and the picky client I had, but in the end, I was proud to have sold it for $200. That's when I caught the bug for coding and knew I wanted to be a programmer.

A new Day
A new Day
Cover Image for Dynamic Routing and Static Generation

Dynamic Routing and Static Generation

We've all been there. You're building your next big project with Next.js and you're faced with a decision. A decision that will determine the fate of your website and its user experience.

A new Day
A new Day